Friday, September 19, 2008


Jason Vaughn Clark, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and mechanical engineering created a tiny motorized positioning device that has twice the dexterity of similar devices being developed for applications that include biological sensors and more compact, powerful computer hard drives. The device, called a monolithic comb drive, might be used as a "nanoscale manipulator" that precisely moves or senses movement and forces. The devices also can be used in watery environments for probing biological molecules.

The advantage of this device is that it can shrink the size of the overall sensor instrument. The sensors generally detect objects using two different componenets. A probe is moved while at the same time the platform holding the specimen is positioned. The new technology would replace both components with a single one - THE MONOLITHIC COMB DRIVE.

The researchers expected the sensors to work faster and at higher resolution. Also due to the single component they are small enough to fit on a microchip.The higher resolution might be used to design future computer hard drives capable of high-density data storage and retrieval. It could possibly be used to fabricate or assemble miniature micro and nanoscale machines.

Structure wise, the new monolithic device has a single structure with two perpendicular comb drives. It is so called because it contains comb drive components that are not mechanically and electrically separate. Conventional comb drives are structurally decoupled to keep opposite charges separated. Along with that there are certain advantages of comb drive overother technologies. In contrast to piezoelectric actuators that typically deflect, or move, a fraction of a micrometer, comb drives can deflect tens to hundreds of micrometers. And unlike conventional comb drives, which only move in one direction, new device can move in two directions - left to right, forward and backward - an advance that could reallyopen up the door for many applications.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Nano-sized carbon tubes coated with strands of DNA can create tiny sensors with abilities to detect odors and tastes, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Monell Chemical Sciences Center.According to the researchers, arrays of these nanosensors could detect molecules on the order of one part per million, akin to finding a one-second play amid 278 hours of baseball footage. Here the nanosensors are tested on five different chemical odorants including methanol and dinitrotoluene, or DNT, a common chemical that is also frequently a component of military-grade explosives. The nanosensors could sniff molecules out of the air or taste them in a liquid, suggesting applications ranging from domestic security to medical detectors. The nanaosensors could sniff molecules out of the air or taste them in the liquid.

Sensor is a hybrid of two molecules that are extremely sensitive to outside signals: single stranded DNA, which serves as the 'detector,' and a carbon nanotube, which functions as 'transmitter'. If they are put together they become an extremely versatile type of sensor, capable of finding tiny amounts of a specific molecule. Given the size of such sensors each carbon nanotube is about a billionth of a meter wide, these systems could be used as passive detection system in almost anylocation. The sensor surface is also self-regenerating, with each sensor lasting for more than 50 exposures to the targeted substances, which means they would not need to be replaced frequently.The specificity of single-stranded DNA is what makes these sensors so capable.

Likewise, the nanotubes are ideal for signalling when the DNA has captured a target molecule. Nanotubes are extremely sensitive to electrostatic variations in their environment, whether the nanotube is in a liquid or in air.When the DNA portion of the nanosensor binds to a target molecule, there will be a slight change in the electric charge near the nanotube. The nanotube will then pick up on that change, turning it into an electric signal that can then be reported. In this way an array of 100 sensors with different response characteristics and an appropriate pattern recognition program would be able to identify a weak known odor in the face of a strong and variable background.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Over the past decade, nanomaterials have been the subject of enormous interest. These materials, notable for their extremely small feature size, have the potential for wide-ranging industrial, biomedical, and electronic applications. As a result of recent improvement in technologies to see and manipulate these materials, the nanomaterials field has seen a huge increase in funding from private enterprises and government, and academic researchers within the field have formed many partnerships.
Nanomaterials can be metals, ceramics, polymeric materials, or composite materials. Their defining characteristic is a very small feature size in the range of 1-100 nanometers (nm). The unit of nanometer derives its prefix nano from a Greek word meaning dwarf or extremely small. One nanometer spans 3-5 atoms lined up in a row. By comparison, the diameter of a human hair is about 5 orders of magnitude larger than a nanoscale particle. Nanomaterials are not simply another step in miniaturization, but a different arena entirely; the nanoworld lies midway between the scale of atomic and quantum phenomena, and the scale of bulk materials. At the nanomaterial level, some material properties are affected by the laws of atomic physics, rather than behaving as traditional bulk materials do.
Although widespread interest in nanomaterials is recent, the concept was raised over 40 years ago. Physicist Richard Feynman delivered a talk in 1959 entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom", in which he commented that there were no fundamental physical reasons that materials could not be fabricated by maneuvering individual atoms. Nanomaterials have actually been produced and used by humans for hundreds of years - the beautiful ruby red color of some glass is due to gold nanoparticles trapped in the glass matrix. The decorative glaze known as luster, found on some medieval pottery, contains metallic spherical nanoparticles dispersed in a complex way in the glaze, which give rise to its special optical properties. The techniques used to produce these materials were considered trade secrets at the time, and are not wholly understood even now.
Development of nanotechnology has been spurred by refinement of tools to see the nanoworld, such as more sophisticated electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. By 1990, scientists at IBM had managed to position individual xenon atoms on a nickel surface. In the mid-1980s a new class of material - hollow carbon spheres - was discovered. These spheres were called buckyballs or fullerenes, in honor of architect and futurist Buckminster Fuller, who designed a geodesic dome with geometry similar to that found on the molecular level in fullerenes. The C60 (60 carbon atoms chemically bonded together in a ball-shaped molecule) buckyballs inspired research that led to fabrication of carbon nanofibers, with diameters under 100 nm. In 1991 S. Iijima of NEC in Japan reported the first observation of carbon nanotubes1, which are now produced by a number of companies in commercial quantities. The world market for nanocomposites (one of many types of nanomaterials) grew to millions of pounds by 1999 and is still growing fast.
The variety of nanomaterials is great, and their range of properties and possible applications appear to be enormous, from extraordinarily tiny electronic devices, including miniature batteries, to biomedical uses, and as packaging films, super absorbants, components of armor, and parts of automobiles. General Motors claims to have the first vehicle to use the materials for exterior automotive applications, in running boards on its mid-size vans.
What makes these nanomaterials so different and so intriguing? Their extremely small feature size is of the same scale as the critical size for physical phenomena. Fundamental electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, and biological processes are also different at this level. Where proteins are 10-1000 nm in size, and cell walls 1-100 nm thick, their behavior on encountering a nanomaterial may be quite different from that seen in relation to larger-scale materials. Nanocapsules and nanodevices may present new possibilities for drug delivery, gene therapy, and medical diagnostics.
Surfaces and interfaces are also important in explaining nanomaterial behavior. In bulk materials, only a relatively small percentage of atoms will be at or near a surface or interface (like a crystal grain boundary). In nanomaterials, the small feature size ensures that many atoms, perhaps half or more in some cases, will be near interfaces. Surface properties such as energy levels, electronic structure, and reactivity can be quite different from interior states, and give rise to quite different material properties.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Human bones can be broken in accidents, or they can be disintegrated when ravaged by disease and time. But scientists at the University of California may have a new weapon in the battle against forces that damage the human skeleton. They have found a way to create a stronger and safer frame than the artificial bone scaffolds currently in use.

Carbon Nanotube, incredibly strong molecules just billionths of a meter wide, can function as scaffolds for bone regrowth, according to researchers led by Robert Haddon at the same University.

Human Bone is having two parts. One is organic and another one is inorganic. The organic part is made of collagen, which is the most abundant protein in mammals. The inorganic component is a type of calcium crystal named hydroxyapatite. The collagen forms a sort of natural scaffold over which the calcium crystals organize into bone. The idea in Haddon's research is to use the nanotubes as substitutes for the collagen to promote new bone growth when bones have been broken or worn down.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The electrical properties of CNTs are extremely sensitive to defects which can be introduced during the growth, by mechanical strain, or by irradiation with energetic particles such as electrons, heavy ions, alpha-particles, and protons. When highly energetic particles collide, a latchup, electrical interference, charging, sputtering, erosion, and puncture of the target device can occur. Therefore the information on the effects of various types of high energetic irradiation on CNTs and other nanomaterials will be important in developing radiation-robust devices and circuits of nanomaterials under aerospace environment. As a result, degradation of the device performance and lifetime or even a system failure of the underlying electronics may happen. Researchers in South Korea conducted a systematic study of the effects of proton irradiation on the electrical properties of CNT network field effect transistor (FET) devices showing metallic or semiconducting behaviors. The most important outcome of this work is that no significant change in the electrical properties of CNT-based FET was observed, even after high-energy proton beam irradiated directly on the device. This result show that CNT-based devices can be a promising substitute for classical silicon-based devices, which are known to be very fragile against proton radiations.

It has been reported previously that electronic devices became more radiation tolerant when their dimensions are reduced.For example, multi-quantum well or quantum dot devices can be tens or hundreds times more radiation tolerant than conventional bulk devices. It even was shown that quantum dot/CNT-based photovoltaic devices were five orders of magnitude more resistant than conventional bulk solar cells.