Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nanotechnology History: A Non-technical Primer

Earlier an article on history of nanotechnology was published. In this article of Adam Keiper MD, The New Atlantis, few more points are elaborated.

Today, in the young field of nanotechnology, scientists and engineers are taking control of atoms and molecules individually, manipulating them and putting them to use with an extraordinary degree of precision. Word of the promise of nanotechnology is spreading rapidly, and the air is thick with news of nanotech breakthroughs. Governments and businesses are investing billions of dollars in nanotechnology R&D, and political alliances and battle lines are starting to form. Public awareness of nanotech is clearly on the rise, too, partly because references to it are becoming more common in popular culture-with mentions in movies, books, video games, and television.

Yet there remains a great deal of confusion about just what nanotechnology is, both among the ordinary people whose lives will be changed by the new science, and among the policymakers who wittingly or unwittingly will help steer its course. Much of the confusion comes from the name "nanotechnology," which is applied to two different things-that is, to two distinct but related fields of research, one with the potential to improve today's world, the other with the potential to utterly remake or even destroy it. The meaning that nanotechnology holds for our future depends on which definition of the word "nanotechnology" pans out.

From Feynman to Sunscreen

Although a few scientists had done related work earlier, nanotechnology didn't really get going until the second half of the twentieth century. Credit for inspiring nanotechnology usually goes to Richard Feynman, a brilliant Caltech physicist who later won a Nobel Prize for "fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics." In an after-dinner lecture ("There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom") delivered on the evening of December 29, 1959, Feynman proposed work in a field "in which little has been done, but in which an enormous amount can be done in principle."

"What I want to talk about," Feynman said, "is the problem of manipulating and controlling things on a small scale." Feynman described how the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica could be written on the head of a pin, and how all the world's books could fit in a pamphlet. Such remarkable reductions could be done as "a simple reproduction of the original pictures, engravings, and everything else on a small scale without loss of resolution." Yet it was possible to get smaller still: if you converted all the world's books into an efficient computer code instead of just reduced pictures, you could store "all the information that man has carefully accumulated in all the books in the world … in a cube of material one two-hundredth of an inch wide-which is the barest piece of dust that can be made out by the human eye. So there is plenty of room at the bottom!" He declared that "the principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom"-in fact, Feynman saw atomic manipulation as inevitable, "a development which I think cannot be avoided."

Research in the direction Feynman suggested didn't begin immediately, although the next few decades brought sophisticated new tools and techniques for manipulating matter at the atomic level. One early demonstration of this power came in 1990 when a team of IBM physicists revealed that they had, the year before, spelled out the letters "IBM" using 35 individual atoms of xenon. In 1991, the same research team built an "atomic switch," likely to be an important development in the future of computing.

Another breakthrough came with the discovery of new shapes for molecules of carbon, the quintessential element of life. In 1985, researchers reported the discovery of the "buckyball," a lovely round molecule consisting of 60 carbon atoms. This led in turn to the 1991 discovery of a related molecular shape known as the "carbon nanotube"; these nanotubes are about 100 times stronger than steel but just a sixth of the weight, and they have unusual heat and conductivity characteristics that guarantee they will be important to high technology in the coming years.

But these exciting discoveries are the exception rather than the rule: Most of what passes for nanotechnology nowadays is really just materials science. Such "mainstream nanotechnology," as practiced by hundreds of companies spending billions of dollars, is merely the intellectual offspring of conventional chemical engineering and our new nanoscale powers. It is already being incorporated in consumer products: some lines of sunscreens and cosmetics, some stain- and water-repellent clothing, some new paints, a few kinds of anti-reflective and anti-fogging glass, and some tennis equipment. In short, mainstream nanotechnology is an interesting field, with some impressive possibilities for improving our lives with better materials and tools. But that's just half the story: there's another side to nanotechnology, one that promises much more extreme, and perhaps dangerous, changes.

Molecular Manufacturing

This more radical form of nanotechnology originated in the mind of an M.I.T. undergraduate in the mid-1970s. Eric Drexler, who went on to obtain a Ph.D. from M.I.T., realized that the biological "machinery" already responsible for the full diversity of life on Earth could be adapted to build nonliving products upon command. Molecule-sized machines, modeled after those found in nature, could be used to manufacture just about anything man wished.

Drexler, who began to develop these theories even before he'd heard of Feynman's lecture, first published his ideas in a 1981 journal article. Five years later, he brought the notion of molecular manufacturing to the general public with his book Engines of Creation. An astonishingly original work of futurism, Engines of Creation pointed out how molecular manufacturing would revolutionize other areas of science and technology-leading to breakthroughs in medicine, artificial intelligence, and the conquest of space. Drexler refutes every technical objection he can anticipate, explaining how such phenomena as quantum uncertainty and thermal vibrations don't make molecular manufacturing impossible. It was also in Engines that Drexler introduced the term "nanotechnology"-a reference to the nanometer, one-billionth of a meter-to describe this approach to molecular manufacturing, although the term is now also used for the more mundane applications (cosmetics, tennis balls, etc.) described above.

To shore up his technical arguments for the feasibility of his vision, Drexler further expanded on his ideas in the world's first nanotechnology textbook. Nanosystems (1992), a dense volume that grew out of a class he taught at Stanford, is crammed with equations and diagrams and designs for molecular machines, and it has gone far to put the theory of molecular manufacturing on sound technical footing-although scientific debate about the achievability and the best routes to developing nanotechnology has continued.

In the past decade, theorists have begun to flesh out the details of how nanotechnology might be used in manufacturing and medicine, although it is unclear how soon any of this will be possible. Some analysts have estimated that major breakthroughs in molecular manufacturing are at least three decades away; others have suggested that major progress might occur in the next five years.

Controversy and Policy

Since 2000, awareness of nanotechnology among environmental activists, regulators, and lawmakers has been on the rise. Environmental organizations have expressed fears about the potential ecological and health consequences of mainstream nanotechnology, and have called for increased research into safety of nanoparticles.

The Drexler version of advanced nanotechnology has also been the subject of public fear, largely centered on the notion that nanotechnology could spiral out of control and convert all life on Earth into "gray goo." Drexler, who originally introduced this apocalyptic prospect in Engines of Creation, has since repeatedly distanced himself from it-but gray goo retains its grip on the public imagination.

There are other serious reasons to be worried about the development of nanotechnology, including the risk of severe economic disruption; the possibly dehumanizing effects of using nanotechnology on ourselves; and the potential criminal, military, or terrorist use of advanced nanotechnology. A few organizations are paying full-time attention to these concerns, including the Foresight Institute (established in 1986) and the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (established in 2002).

Public policy discussions have barely begun to reflect those long-term concerns. Although some agencies in the U.S. government have been involved in nanotechnology since the 1980s, federal funding of nanotechnology research did not begin in earnest until the late 1990s. In 2000, the National Nanotechnology Initiative was established to coordinate the government's work in nanotechnology; soon, federal spending on nanotechnology is scheduled to cross the $1 billion-per-year mark. Along with the increased funding has come a government commitment to investigate the "social, economic, health, and environmental implications" of nanotechnology. As public interest continues to grow, and as scientific progress make advanced nanotechnology seem ever more attainable, policymakers are likely to increasingly turn their attentions to the promise and peril of nanotechnology.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Real-Time Observation of Nanowire Anode to Improve Lithium Batteries - World's Smallest Battery

A benchtop version of the world's smallest battery has been created by a team led by Sandia National Laboratories researcher. The anode of this battery is a single nanowire which is claimed to be one seven-thousandth the thickness of a human hair.

To better study the anode's characteristics, the tiny rechargeable lithium-based battery was formed inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), a Department of Energy research facility jointly operated by Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories.

This experiment facilitates the researchers to study the charging and discharging of a battery in real time and at atomic scale resolution, so that they can understand the fundamental mechanism how batteries work.

The motivation behind this work lies in the fact that current lithium ion batteries have very important application but cannot meet the demand due their low power and energy density. To improve performance they need to be investigated from the bottom up; and TEM could bring new insights to the problem.

As nanowire-based materials in lithium ion batteries significantly improved in power and energy density over bulk electrodes, more stringent investigations of their operating properties should improve new generations of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, laptops and cell phones.

Battery research groups do use nanomaterials as anodes, but in bulk rather than individually -- a process, Scientist Huang says, that resembles "looking at a forest and trying to understand the behavior of an individual tree."

The tiny battery consists of a single tin oxide nanowire anode 100 nanometers in diameter and 10 micrometers long, a bulk lithium cobalt oxide cathode three millimeters long, and an ionic liquid electrolyte. The device offers the ability to directly observe change in atomic structure during charging and discharging of the individual wires.

An unexpected find of the researchers was that the tin oxide nanowire rod nearly doubles in length during charging which is far more than its diameter increases -- a fact that could help avoid short circuits that may shorten battery life. In future manufacturers should take account of this elongation in their battery design.

Huang's group found this flaw by following the progression of the lithium ions as they travel along the nanowire and create what researchers described as "Medusa front" defined by an area where high density of mobile dislocations cause the nanowire to bend and wiggle as the front progresses. The web of dislocations is caused by lithium penetration of the crystalline lattice. These observations prove that nanowires can sustain large stress (>10 GPa) induced by lithiation without breaking; a clear indicating that these nanowires are very good candidates for battery electrodes.

Lithiation-induced volume expansion, plasticity and pulverization of electrode materials are the major mechanical defects that plague the performance and lifetime of high-capacity anodes in lithium-ion batteries. So these observations of structural kinetics and amorphization have important implications for high-energy battery design and in mitigating battery failure.

Researchers estimated a current level of a picoampere flowing in the nanowire during charging and discharging.

Although the work was carried out using tin oxide (SnO2) nanowires, the experiments can be extended to other materials systems, either for cathode or anode studies.

The methodology that was developed should stimulate extensive real-time studies of the microscopic processes in batteries and lead to a more complete understanding of the mechanisms governing battery performance and reliability.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A report on an Advancement of IBM on its CMOS Nanophotonics

IBM announced significant advances in its path to integrate electrical and optical devices on the same piece of silicon. The new CMOS Integrated Silicon Nanophotonics, which is the result of a decade of development at IBM's global Research laboratories, promises over 10 times improvement in integration density than is feasible with current manufacturing techniques.

IBM said it anticipates that Silicon Nanophotonics will dramatically increase the speed and performance between chips. In addition to combining electrical and optical devices on a single chip, the new IBM technology can be produced on the front-end of a standard CMOS manufacturing line. Transistors can share the same silicon layer with silicon nanophotonics devices. To make this approach possible, IBM researchers have developed a suite of integrated ultra-compact active and passive silicon nanophotonics devices that are all scaled down to the diffraction limit defined by the smallest size that dielectric optics can afford. This makes possible the integration of modulators, germanium photodetectors and ultra-compact wavelength-division multiplexers with high-performance analog and digital CMOS circuitry.

"The development of the Silicon Nanophotonics technology brings the vision of on-chip optical interconnections much closer to reality,” said vice president, Science and Technology, IBM Research. “With optical communications embedded into the processor chips, the prospect of building power-efficient computer systems with performance at the Exaflop level is one step closer to reality."

This CMOS Integrated Nanophotonics breakthrough preedicts unprecedented increases in silicon chip function and performance via ubiquitous low-power optical communications between racks, modules, chips or even within a single chip itself. The next step in this advancement is to establishing manufacturability of this process in a commercial foundry using IBM deeply scaled CMOS processes.

IBM has been pursuing an ambitious Exascale computing program, which is aimed at developing a supercomputer that can perform one million trillion calculations—or an Exaflop in a single second.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Govt of India Initiative on Nanotechnology

This TWO day event is featuring top global intellects, entrepreneurs and organizations in the field of Nanotechnology.

The 3rd edition of Bangalore Nano organized by The Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka under the guidance of Vision Group on Nanotechnology was inaugurated today at the Lalit Ashok. The focal theme of Bangalore Nano 2010 is “Frontiers of Nanotechnology: Impact on India. This TWO day event is featuring top global intellects, entrepreneurs and organizations in the field of Nanotechnology.

The opening plenary session titled “Nanotechnology: A Key Tool in Attaining Developmental Goals – Part II” Chairing the session on the first day at 3rd Bangalore Nano, Dr Amit Biswas, Head- Technology Services & emerging Technologies at Reliance Industries Ltd, said, “ Nano technology is emerging as an industry and it can impact several industries from Healthcare to Defence..” Other panelists at the session were Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Chief Controller, R&D, DRDO and Dr. M K Bhan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India.

Dr W. Selvamurthy, Chief Controller, R&D, DRDO, said, “Nano technology has several applications from agriculture to Defence. So far, academic institutions are working as islands of excellence and they need to work like a continent of excellence. A research in one specialization need not be limited to applications in that specialization. That can contribute a lot in totally different sectors. For example the breakthroughs in various labs under DRDO are not only enhancing the capabilities of Indian Armed Forces, But also contributing to the businesses and public outside the purview of the defence. DRDO has invested Rs. 200 crores exclusively for the nano technology applications. These applications will enhance strength and capabilities of missiles. These outcomes are also highly useful to churn out products in healthcare, medicine, sensors, and energy harvesting.”

Dr. Selvamurthy announced, “DRDO is planning to set up a nano foundry by investing Rs. 500 to Rs. 600 crores. This project will be a cluster with the partnering of IITs and other academic institutions of India. The R&D facilities for nano technology can be used by industry and academic institutions for research purpose. Moreover, DRDO will also fund nano research at the academic institutions.”
Dr. Selvamurthy added, “One of the Labs of DRDO is exclusively working on safety of nanotechnology for individual and environment. Nanocomposite coatings developed by Ahmednagar lab will find uses in several anti corrosive industrial applications. Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical lab of DRDO at Bangalore is developing several biosensors that ensure safety of the soldier in the warfare and those applications can revolutionise medical diagnostics. Very soon, CIPLA is going to take up the production of nano particle drugs that can be directly deposited into lungs, which was originally developed for the soldiers at high altitudes.”
Dr M K Bhan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, said, “Strong scientific force, technology innovation, and product innovation are needed for the nano industry to flourish in India. We need drivers of innovation and regulation to produce nano champions in the fields of agriculture and healthcare. We should create industry platforms, which will decide where to apply nanotechnology. Biomarkers and biodiagnostics can revolutionise the diagnostic industry. For example, high sensitivity detection methods that can trace very low quantities in saliva can actually detect alzheimers disease, which otherwise needs brain tissue. Food packaging industry is another nascent industry in India, which can do wonders on the back of nano technology. Similarly, low cost health screening technologies can boost public health.”