Tuesday, February 17, 2009


1. SWCNT [Short Length]

SSA: 450 - 550 m2/g
Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm
SWNTs Ash :  1.6 wt%              Metal Content: Nil              Thermal conductivity: 3000 ± 450 W/m.K Density: 1.33 - 1.4g.cm3           Color: Black                   Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2 Tensile Strength: 45 Billion Pa                 Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum Rate:

Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity : 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 2 wt%          Price Range 1-10gms($120/gm) ; 11-25gms($110/gm) ;       26-50gms($100/gm);       51-100gms($90/gm);       101-250gms($80/gm);         251-500gms($70/gm) 501-1000gms($60/gm)

 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity -  90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($110/gm);               11-25gms($100/gm) 26-50gms($90/gm);         51-100gms($80/gm) ;      101-250gms($70/gm) ;        251-500gms($60/gm) 501-1000gms($50/gm)

S-SL-3 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs)      Purity -  80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($100/gm);     11-25gms($90/gm);                26-50gms($80/gm);      51-100gms($70/gm);      101-250gms($60/gm);          251-500gms($50/gm) ;  501-1000gms($40/gm)

2.      SWCNT [Medium Length]                          SSA: 450 - 550m2/g Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm SWNTs Ash : 1.6 wt%                Metal Content: Nil               Thermal conductivity: 3000 ± 450 W/m.K Density: 1.33 - 1.4g.cm3              Color: Black                      Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2 Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa                                  Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum

S-ML-1 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity - 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content -2 wt%              Price Range 1-10gms($120/gm)    11-25gms($110/gm)      26-50gms($100/gm)         51-100gms($90/gm)         101-250gms($80/gm)         251-500gms($70/gm) 501-1000gms($60/gm)

S-ML-2 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity -  90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content -5 wt%       Price Range       1-10gms($110/gm)         11-25gms($100/gm) 26-50gms($90/gm)     51-100gms($80/gm)      101-250gms($70/gm)                 251-500gms($60/gm) 501-1000gms($50/gm)

S-ML-3 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity -  80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt%     Price Range          1-10gms($100/gm)           11-25gms($90/gm)26-50gms($80/gm)          51-100gms($70/gm)        101-250gms($60/gm)            251-500gms($50/gm)501-1000gms($40/gm)

3.    SWCNT [Long Length] SSA: 450 - 550 m2/g      Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm 
SWNTs Ash 1.6 wt%              Metal Content: Nil            Thermal conductivity: 3000 ± 450 W/m.K Density: 1.33 - 1.4g.cm3          Color: Black            Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2           Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa              Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum

S-LL-1 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 2 wt%       Price Range    1-10gms($120/gm)               11-25gms($110/gm)26-50gms($100/gm)         51-100gms($90/gm)           101-250gms($80/gm)             251-500gms($70/gm)501-1000gms($60/gm)

 S-LL-2 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity  90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt%         Price Range     1-10gms($110/gm)         11-25gms($100/gm)26-50gms($90/gm)           51-100gms($80/gm)          101-250gms($70/gm)        251-500gms($60/gm)501-1000gms($50/gm)

S-LL-3 Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) Purity  80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt%          Price Range      1-10gms($100/gm)          11-25gms($90/gm)26-50gms($80/gm)            51-100gms($70/gm)             101-250gms($60/gm)          251-500gms($50/gm)501-1000gms($40/gm)

4.     MWCNT [Short Length]       SSA: 50 - 350 m2/g            Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm              SWNTs Ash - 1.6 wt%             Metal Content: Nil           Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K         Color: Black                 Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2          Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa Temperature stability: 700 degrees Celcius in vacuum

M - SL - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 90 vol% (CNTs)
70 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ (TEM)
Length 3 - 10 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt%           Price Range                1-10gms($60/gm)11-25gms($55/gm)26-50gms($50/gm)          51-100gms($45/gm)             101-250gms($40/gm)           251-500gms($35/gm)501-1000gms($30/gm)   

M - SL - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs)    Purity -  80 vol% (CNTs)
65 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ (TEM)
Length 3 - 10 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 6 wt%             Price Range       1-10gms($50/gm)           11-25gms($45/gm)26-50gms($40/gm)             51-100gms($35/gm)         101-250gms($30/gm)       251-500gms($25/gm)501-1000gms($20/gm)

M - SL - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity- 65 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
50 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ (TEM)
Length 3 - 10 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 8 wt%      Price Range      1-10gms($40/gm)               11-25gms($35/gm)26-50gms($30/gm)             51-100gms($25/gm)         101-250gms($20/gm)        251-500gms($15/gm)501-1000gms($10/gm)

5.  MWCNT [Medium Length] SSA: 50 - 350 m2/g           Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm              SWNTs Ash : - 1.6 wt%               Metal Content: Nil              Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K Color: Black                   Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2     Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa Temperature stability: 700 degrees Celcius in vacuum

M - ML - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 90 vol% (CNTs)
70 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12 (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Price Range   1-10gms($60/gm)    11-25gms($55/gm)    26-50gms($50/gm)          51-100gms($45/gm)101-250gms($40/gm)    251-500gms($35/gm)    501-1000gms($30/gm)

M - ML - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes (SWNTs)
Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
>65 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 6 wt%           Price Range 1-10gms($50/gm)               11-25gms($45/gm)26-50gms($40/gm)           51-100gms($35/gm)           101-250gms($30/gm)        251-500gms($25/gm)501-1000gms($20/gm)

 M - ML - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 70 vol% (CNTs)
50 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12 + (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 8 wt%           Price Range    1-10gms($40/gm)            11-25gms($35/gm)26-50gms($30/gm)        51-100gms($25/gm)       101-250gms($20/gm)              251-500gms($15/gm)501-1000gms($10/gm)

6. MWCNT [Long Length]      SSA: 50 - 350 m2/g       Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm                          SWNTs Ash- 1.6 wt%       Metal Content: Nil            Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K          Color: Black              Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2       Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa Temperature stability: 700 degrees Celcius in vacuum

M - LL - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 90 vol% (CNTs)
 70 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12 + (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 5 wt%        Price Range          1-10gms($60/gm)         11-25gms($55/gm)26-50gms($50/gm)                51-100gms($45/gm)          101-250gms($40/gm)      251-500gms($35/gm)501-1000gms($30/gm)

 M - LL - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 80 vol% (CNTs)
 65 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12 + (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content -6 wt%         Price Range    1-10gms($50/gm)    11-25gms($45/gm)           26-50gms($40/gm)          51-100gms($35/gm)         101-250gms($30/gm)          251-500gms($25/gm)501-1000gms($20/gm)

M - LL - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) Purity - 70 vol% (CNTs)
 50 vol% (Multi-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12 + (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm

Amorphous Carbon Content - 8 wt%      Price Range 1-10gms($40/gm)     11-25gms($35/gm)        26-50gms($30/gm)      51-100gms($25/gm)     101-250gms($20/gm)    251-500gms($15/gm)   501-1000gms($10/gm)

7. COOH - FUNCTIONALIZED SWCNT [Short Length] -COOH content: 0.5 ~ 3 wt% SSA: 350 - 500 m2/g Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm Metal Content: Nil Content of -OH: < 2 wt% Color: Black Ash: <1>3wt%
Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2
Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa
Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum
Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K

SC - SL - 1 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized
Purity > 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <2 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($200/gm)11-25gms($180/gm)26-50gms($160/gm) SC - SL - 2 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($190/gm)11-25gms($170/gm)26-50gms($150/gm) SC - SL - 3 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 3 - 8 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($180/gm)11-25gms($160/gm)26-50gms($140/gm) 8. COOH - FUNCTIONALIZED SWCNT [Medium Length] -COOH content: 0.5 ~ 3 wt% SSA: 350 - 500 m2/g Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm Metal Content: Nil Content of -OH: < 2 wt% Color: Black Ash: <1>3wt%
Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2
Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa
Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum
Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K

SC - ML - 1 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized
Purity > 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <2 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($200/gm)11-25gms($180/gm)26-50gms($160/gm) SC - ML - 2 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($190/gm)11-25gms($170/gm)26-50gms($150/gm) SC - ML - 3 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 5 - 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($180/gm)11-25gms($160/gm)26-50gms($140/gm) 9. COOH - FUNCTIONALIZED SWCNT [Long Length] -COOH content: 0.5 ~ 3 wt% SSA: 350 - 500 m2/g Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm Metal Content: Nil Content of -OH: < 2 wt% Color: Black Ash: <1>3wt%
Current Carrying Capacity: 1 Billion A/cm2
Tensil Strength: 45 Billion Pa
Temperature stability: 2800 degrees Celcius in vacuum
Thermal conductivity: 2400 ± 400 W/m.K

SC - LL - 1 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized
Purity > 98 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <2 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($200/gm)11-25gms($180/gm)26-50gms($160/gm) SC - LL - 2 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($190/gm)11-25gms($170/gm)26-50gms($150/gm) SC - LL - 3 Single-walled nanotubes-COOH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 0.7 - 2nm (TEM)
Length 15 - 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($180/gm)11-25gms($160/gm)26-50gms($140/gm) 10. OH - FUNCTIONALIZED MWCNT [Short Length] SSA: > 300 m2/g
Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm
Metal Content: Nil
Content of -OH: 1 - 6 wt%
Color: Black
Temperature stability: 700° Celcius in Air

MO - SL - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized
Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)

Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 3- 10 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($160/gm)11-25gms($140/gm)26-50gms($130/gm) MO - SL - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)

Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 3- 10 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($150/gm)11-25gms($130/gm)26-50gms($120/gm) MO - SL - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 70 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)

Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 3- 10 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($140/gm)11-25gms($120/gm)26-50gms($110/gm) 11. OH - FUNCTIONALIZED MWCNT [Medium Length] SSA: > 300 m2/g
Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm
Metal Content: Nil
Content of -OH: 1 - 6 wt%
Color: Black
Temperature stability: 700° Celcius in Air

MO - ML - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized
Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)

Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 5- 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($160/gm)11-25gms($140/gm)26-50gms($130/gm) MO - ML - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 65 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 5- 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($150/gm)11-25gms($130/gm)26-50gms($120/gm) MO - ML - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 70 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 5- 15 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($140/gm)11-25gms($120/gm)26-50gms($110/gm) 12. OH - FUNCTIONALIZED MWCNT [Long Length] SSA: > 300 m2/g
Conductivity: 102~~10-4 S/cm
Metal Content: Nil
Content of -OH: 1 - 6 wt%
Color: Black
Temperature stability: 700° Celcius in Air

MO - LL - 1 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized
Purity > 90 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 70 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 15- 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <5 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($160/gm)11-25gms($140/gm)26-50gms($130/gm) MO - LL - 2 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 80 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 60 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)

Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 15- 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($150/gm)11-25gms($130/gm)26-50gms($120/gm) MO - LL - 3 Multi-walled nanotubes-OH functionalized Purity > 70 vol% (carbon nanotubes)
> 50 vol% (single-walled nanotubes)
Average Diameter 4 - 12+ nm (TEM)
Length 15- 30 µm
Amorphous Carbon Content <6 wt% Price Range 1-10gms($140/gm)11-25gms($120/gm)26-50gms($110/gm)

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